Oh dear. In the building where I work, there is a big coat room just inside the staff entrance. I live in Minnesota, so in the wintertime everyone hangs their coat in that room. And when you’ve got winter coats, you usually have winter scarves. Because I work in a place with many print, web, and furniture designers, there are many wonderful items of hand-made knit wear that one can find in our coat room on any given day, and I can’t help myself. I must touch the scarves. I must feel the yarn and see the stitches and fondle! Also, I must be careful about getting caught. If someone walks into the room and my back is turned to them, and if they can’t see what I’m doing, it looks a little weird. Maybe it looks weird even if they can see what I’m doing!
The other day there was one scarf in particular that really caught my eye. It was a deep orange, variegated ribbon yarn with a fuzzy orange yarn carried with it, done in a 1X1 rib. Oh, it was so pretty. As I was coveting this scarf, it started to dawn on me that … I MADE THIS SCARF! Yes. I made this scarf a year or 2 ago and gave it to my friend (who works with me) as a present. Guess I forgot all about it. It’s nice to know that I like my own work!